Our group focuses on prediction and prevention of type 1 diabetes (T1D) as well as discovery and validation of biomarkers of disease progression and response to therapy. More than 35 years of this work recently led to the first FDA approved disease modifying therapy to delay the onset of T1D in at risk individuals, setting a precedent for treatment before the clinical appearance of other autoimmune diseases as well.
Our highly collaborative team of clinical and translational investigators, biostatisticians, study coordinators, research nurses and administrative support conducts clinical research and clinical trials. This includes academic multi-center and single site trials as well as investigator initiated and early phase industry sponsored studies. Our clinical research studies include short term interventions with mechanistic outcomes termed EMU or Experimental Medicine Unit studies as well as studies testing novel methods for measures of insulin secretion and immune response. Study participants for clinical research and clinical trials come from the 5 state Pacific Northwest region and are seen for research visits on our Clinical Research Center.