Autoimmune Life Blog

Community and news about autoimmune diseases, allergies and more.

Blog Main Image - 3D Biological Cells Blue
March 29, 2023

Learning How Tregs Keep Your Immune System in Check

The immune system keeps us healthy by maintaining a delicate balance. Every cell has a purpose: Some sound the alarm when they see an invader. Some attack germs that don’t belong. And some patrol the other cells in the immune system to make sure they’re doing their job.
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Blog Main Image - Clinician Woman Talking Patient Man Senior 2
March 14, 2023

Prediction and Prevention: A New Paradigm in Autoimmune Disease

The FDA recently approved teplizumab, a groundbreaking therapy that signals a paradigm shift in treating not only T1D but all autoimmune diseases.
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Blog Main Image - Paper DNA Profile People
March 14, 2023

Computer Science Reveals Possible Drug Target for Deadly Childhood Leukemia

Dr. Bolouri is an expert in using computer science to advance biomedical research. Working with Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD, and his team at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, they made a recent discovery that may lead to new treatments for certain forms of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
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Dr. Buckner reviewing information
February 4, 2023

BRI's Vision of Immune Health

A message from BRI President Jane Buckner, MD, about BRI's new, broader vision for immune health.
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Blog Main Image - 3D Biological Human Kidneys Blue Red
January 9, 2023

Lupus Nephritis: New Approach Could Pave the Way for Innovative Treatments

When Jessica Hamerman, PhD, was perusing research papers in 2021, one discovery stopped her in her tracks — and ultimately put her on a whole new research path.

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Blog Main Image - BRI Building Rear
December 30, 2022

A Heartfelt Thank You: One Scientist Shares How Donors Make an Impact at BRI

This giving season, on behalf of our team, I extend a heartfelt thank you to all BRI donors and share some of the meaningful ways your philanthropy supports our work.

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Blog Main Image - T1D Diabetes Medical Technology
December 19, 2022

A Promising New Approach to Stopping Type 1 Diabetes

A new study, led by a BRI researcher and published in Science Translational Medicine, put engineered t-regulatory cells to the test. In lab tests, the research team found that the engineered cells controlled the cells that attack the pancreas in T1D patients.

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Blog Main Image - EDITORIAL Ayman Drums
December 14, 2022

Participants like Ayman Make Research Possible

Ayman, 23, enjoys playing the drums and working at MOD Pizza — he was even in one of MOD’s TV commercials. He loves Pepper, his schnoodle (schnauzer-poodle).

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Blog Main Image - Researcher Woman Pipetting Samples Blue
December 14, 2022

$3.5 Million to Study Down Syndrome and the Immune System

What goes wrong in the immune system that causes autoimmune disease or limits its ability to fight infections? That’s the question Bernard Khor, MD, PhD, started with 12 years ago. His search for answers led him somewhere unexpected: to people with Down syndrome. 

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Blog Main Image - Scientific Collagen Fibers Skin
December 14, 2022

Using AI and VR to Advance Research

Caroline Stefani, PhD, became fascinated with the immune system while pursuing her doctorate in microbiology. She loved using imaging tools to examine the worlds of cells and bacteria. But one thing frustrated her. 

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