Autoimmune Life Blog

Community and news about autoimmune diseases, allergies and more.

Blog Main Image - BRI Researcher Handling Samples Hood
March 23, 2021

A Letter From Our President: Latest Advances at BRI

We’ve been living in a world of COVID-19 for over a year. In the face of a pandemic, BRI’s vision — a healthy immune system for everyone — has become more important than ever. We’re so thankful for the incredible support from you, our community.

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Blog Main Image - 2D Abstract Coronavirus World Blue Green
March 23, 2021

Testing a Vaccine That's Changing the World

In August 2020, BRI Research Nurse Anna Barash, RN, gave some of the earliest doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to people in Washington. That day, she was laser-focused on following every step of a detailed protocol. The impact of her work didn’t sink in until later.

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Blog Main Image - EDITORIAL Micah Mansfield
February 28, 2021

How Volunteers Fuel Immune System Disease Research

When Micah Mansfield learned that he could help scientists better understand the immune system through the Sound Life Project, he didn’t think twice about signing up.

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Blog Main Image - Woman Arm Shot Heart
February 12, 2021

Type 1 Diabetes Valentines

Raising a child with type 1 diabetes takes patience. Blood sugars rise and fall unpredictably, affecting nearly every aspect of daily life. It takes attention to detail.

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Blog Main Image - Scientific Hevin Expression Brain
February 7, 2021

Understanding What Causes IBD

James Lord, MD, PhD, has a simple way of explaining the immune system. “It’s not a homogenous pot of stew,” he says. “It’s a carefully orchestrated dance, and doing the right thing at the right time is critical. But it’s very hard to predict the choreography.”

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Blog Main Image - 2D COVID Microbiota
January 30, 2021

11 Things to Know About mRNA Vaccines for COVID-19

In the race for a COVID-19 vaccine, messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines finished first. This includes those made by Pfizer and Moderna. These vaccines use a new approach to fight off pathogens (germs like viruses and bacteria).

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Blog Main Image - BRI Researcher Pipetting Samples 1
January 14, 2021

What Are Clinical Trials? BRI Experts Weigh in On Clinical Research FAQ’s

From cancer treatments to game-changing therapies for autoimmune disease, medicines and medical devices need to be tested and approved by the FDA before they can be widely used.

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Blog Main Image - 3D COVID Syringes
December 21, 2020

Volunteering in a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial: BRI Team Members Share Their Experience

Without clinical research participants, we might not have groundbreaking cancer treatments like immunotherapy or vaccines for polio, rubella and other life-threatening diseases.

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Blog Main Image - Researcher Woman Bucket Samples
November 30, 2020

One Step Closer to Preventing Celiac Disease

Celiac disease, like all autoimmune diseases, has no cure. People with the condition must adhere to a strict gluten-free diet or face symptoms like nausea, vomiting, ulcers and intestinal damage.

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Blog Main Image - Woman Tying Shoelaces
November 25, 2020

Beginning Again: One Woman's Story of Running, a Pandemic and Autoimmune Disease

Gretchen Schoenstein, who lives with multiple autoimmune diseases, has run 89 half-marathons. But at the height of the pandemic, lacing up her shoes to run just one mile might have been an even bigger accomplishment.

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