BRI Open House

Immuno-what? We can't wait to fill you in.

Welcome to BRI's Open House

The immune system has had a busy four years, and we think it’s time for our experts to fill you in! Join us at our Open House to learn more about BRI’s research and efforts to advance the science to predict, prevent, reverse and cure diseases of the immune system — like autoimmune diseases, cancer, asthma, allergies and COVID-19.

Open to anyone who has an immune system (ahem ... that’s everyone), this event will be informative and fun. We can’t wait to meet you, show you around, and answer your questions!

Themed Tours

Curious to see what a lab looks like? How tissue gets prepped to be analyzed (insider tip — it's an art form, and we have the best artist!). What microscopes can take such amazing pictures? How we study a single cell? Our scientists will answer these questions and more during our tours. Space is limited, so arrive early to sign up!

3PerRow Genetic

Nice Genes

How does BRI study the role genes play in autoimmune disease? What does single-cell analysis really mean, and how do we make sense of all that information?
3PerRow Tissue

Issue With Your Tissue

We get right to the source by studying the tissue where disease occurs. Learn how — including how we grow our own!
3PerRow Microscopy

In Reel Life

Remember when microscopes looked like this? Now, we can take movies of cells. Grab your popcorn and check it out!
3PerRow Cells

Go With the Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Core at BRI is one of the busiest labs here! Get hands on and sort some cells while learning about what the incredible technology in this lab allows our scientists to do.

Interactive Study Halls

Don't be shy about attending a study hall, they're meant to be fun and informative — not your typical nose in a book and silence. Curious about what makes up your immune system and how it works? Check out Immunology 101. Can you imagine a world where we can predict who will develop an autoimmune disease and delay its onset? Guess what — it's happening now! And we get it, we REALLY get it, your health is personal and individualized to you. Let's talk about why, and what that means for health care in the future. Study halls will run throughout the event, but we don't recommend a cram session. What topic do you need to brush up on? 

3PerRow Immunology

Immunology 101

We like to call this the "APCs" of the immune system (a little immunology humor). This overview of the immune system will be just what you need to better understand who the players of the immune system are, what they do, and how they work together in sickness and in health.
3PerRow T1D

The Future: Prediction and Prevention in Type 1 Diabetes

In a nutshell, this is the story of BRI's mission in action. Did you know that we CAN predict who will develop type 1 diabetes and that there is a therapy to delay the onset? It's true, and BRI has been a part of all of this progress. We have big plans for the future that you won't want to miss hearing about.
3PerRow Precision Medicine

It’s Personal: Precision Medicine

One size does not fit all — especially in medicine. Our scientists are taking a deep dive into the immune system and trying to understand why some people respond to one treatment while others do not. Why do some people get terrible side effects from medications and others do great? What makes our immune systems unique, and how can we use that to better treat each individual? The impact of this work is real — and really cool.
3PerRow Multiple Sclerosis

Impactful Banking

BRI's biorepositories are sometimes called bio-BANKs (get it?). At BRI, we are home to eleven biorepositories that allow our scientists to ask questions about human disease and get answers fast. These biorepositories really are changing what we know about health and disease. This study hall will talk through how our scientists use our multiple sclerosis biorepository to make discoveries that advance our understanding of MS.

Immuno-what? Hear the latest from BRI

Keep up to date on our latest research, new clinical trials and exciting publications.