Mar 2025
A systematic review of machine learning-based prognostic models for acute pancreatitis: Towards improving methods and reporting quality.
PLoS MedCritelli B, Hassan A, Lahooti I, Noh L, Park JS, Tong K, Lahooti A, Matzko N, Adams JN, Liss L, Quion J, Restrepo D, Nikahd M, Culp S, Lacy-Hulbert A, Speake C, Buxbaum J, Bischof J, Yazici C, Evans-Phillips A, Terp S, Weissman A, Conwell D, Hart P, Ramsey M, Krishna S, Han S, Park E, Shah R, Akshintala V, Windsor JA, Mull NK, Papachristou G, Celi LA, Lee P -
Mar 2025
Considerations for more actionable consensus guidance for monitoring individuals with islet autoantibody-positive pre-stage 3 type 1 diabetes. Reply to Mallone R [letter].
DiabetologiaPhillip M, Achenbach P, Addala A, Albanese-O'Neill A, Battelino T, Bell KJ, Besser REJ, Bonifacio E, Colhoun HM, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Danne T, de Beaufort C, Dovc K, Dutta S, Ebekozien O, Elding Larsson H, Frohnert BI, Gallagher MP, Greenbaum CJ, Griffin KJ, Hagopian W, Haller MJ, Hendriks E, Holt RIG, Ismail HM, Jacobsen LM, Kolb LE, Kordonouri O, Lange K, Lash RW, Lernmark A, Libman I, Lundgren M, Maahs DM, Marcovecchio ML, Mathieu C, Oron T, Patil SP, Rewers MJ, Rich SS, Schatz DA, Schulman-Rosenbaum R, Simmons KM, Sims EK, Skyler JS, Speake C, Steck AK, Tonyushkina KN, Veijola R, Wentworth JM, Wherrett DK, Wood JR, Ziegler AG, DiMeglio LA -
Mar 2025
Impaired development of memory B cells and antibody responses in humans and mice deficient in PD-1 signaling.
ImmunityOgishi M, Kitaoka K, Good-Jacobson KL, Rinchai D, Zhang B, Wang J, Gies V, Rao G, Nguyen T, Avery DT, Khan T, Smithmyer ME, Mackie J, Yang R, Arias AA, Asano T, Ponsin K, Chaldebas M, Zhang P, Peel JN, Bohlen J, Lévy R, Pelham SJ, Lei WT, Han JE, Fagniez I, Chrabieh M, Laine C, Langlais D, Gruber C, Al Ali F, Rahman M, Aytekin C, Benson B, Dufort MJ, Domingo-Vila C, Moriya K, Shlomchik M, Uzel G, Gray PE, Suan D, Preece K, Chua I, Okada S, Chikuma S, Kiyonari H, Tree TI, Bogunovic D, Gros P, Marr N, Speake C, Oram RA, Béziat V, Bustamante J, Abel L, Boisson B, Korganow AS, Ma CS, Johnson MB, Chamoto K, Boisson-Dupuis S, Honjo T, Casanova JL, Tangye SG -
Mar 2025
Proteomic Analyses in COVID-19-Associated Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis.
Crit Care ExplorCanny SP, Stanaway IB, Holton SE, Mitchem M, O'Rourke AR, Pribitzer S, Baxter SK, Wurfel MM, Malhotra U, Buckner JH, Bhatraju PK, Morrell ED, Speake C, Mikacenic C, Hamerman JA -
Mar 2025
Novel T Cell reactivities to Hybrid Insulin Peptides in Islet Autoantibody-Positive At-Risk Subjects.
DiabetesHohenstein AC, Gallegos J, Dang M, Groegler J, Broncucia H, Tensun F, Waugh K, Dong F, James EA, Speake C, Steck AK, Rewers MJ, Gottlieb PA, Haskins K, Delong T, Baker RL -
Mar 2025
ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2024: Screening, Staging, and Strategies to Preserve Beta-Cell Function in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes.
Horm Res PaediatrHaller MJ, Bell KJ, Besser REJ, Casteels K, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Elding Larsson H, Jacobsen L, Lange K, Oron T, Sims EK, Speake C, Tosur M, Ulivi F, Ziegler AG, Wherrett DK, Marcovecchio ML -
Mar 2025
Systemic inflammation and lymphocyte activation precede rheumatoid arthritis.
bioRxivHe Z, Glass MC, Venkatesan P, Feser ML, Lazaro L, Okada LY, Tran NTT, He YD, Zaim SR, Bennett CE, Ravisankar P, Dornisch EM, Arishi NA, Asamoah AG, Barzideh S, Becker LA, Bemis EA, Buckner JH, Collora CE, Criley MAL, Demoruelle MK, Fleischer CL, Garber J, Genge PC, Gong Q, Graybuck LT, Gustafson CE, Hattel BC, Hernandez V, Heubeck AT, Kawelo EK, Krishnan U, Kuan EL, Kuhn KA, LaFrance CM, Lee KJ, Li R, Lord C, Mettey RR, Moss L, Musgrove B, Nguyen K, Ochoa A, Parthasarathy V, Pebworth MP, Pedrick C, Peng T, Phalen CG, Reading J, Roll CR, Seifert JA, Siedschlag MD, Speake C, Striebich CC, Stuckey TJ, Swanson EG, Takada H, Thai T, Thomson ZJ, Trieu N, Tsaltskan V, Wang W, Weiss MDA, Westermann A, Zhang F, Boyle DL, Goldrath AW, Bumol TF, Li XJ, Holers VM, Skene PJ, Savage AK, Firestein GS, Deane KD, Torgerson TR, Gillespie MA -
Mar 2025
Cytokine signatures in post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: a pilot study.
Ann GastroenterolMachicado JD, Lee PJ, Culp S, Stello K, Hart PA, Ramsey M, Lacy-Hulbert A, Speake C, Cruz-Monserrate Z, Elmunzer BJ, Whitcomb DC, Papachristou GI -
Oct 2024
Longitudinal Multi-omic Immune Profiling Reveals Age-Related Immune Cell Dynamics in Healthy Adults.
bioRxivGong Q, Sharma M, Kuan EL, Glass MC, Chander A, Singh M, Graybuck LT, Thomson ZJ, LaFrance CM, Zaim SR, Peng T, Okada LY, Genge PC, Henderson KE, Dornisch EM, Layton ED, Wittig PJ, Heubeck AT, Mukuka NM, Reading J, Roll CR, Hernandez V, Parthasarathy V, Stuckey TJ, Musgrove B, Swanson E, Lord C, Weiss MDA, Phalen CG, Mettey RR, Lee KJ, Johanneson JB, Kawelo EK, Garber J, Krishnan U, Smithmyer M, Wherry EJ, Vella L, Henrickson SE, Kopp MS, Savage AK, Becker LA, Meijer P, Coffey EM, Goronzy JJ, Speake C, Bumol TF, Goldrath AW, Torgerson TR, Li XJ, Skene PJ, Buckner JH, Gustafson CE -
Aug 2024
Identification of biomarkers for COVID-19 associated secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
bioRxivCanny SP, Stanaway IB, Holton SE, Mitchem M, O'Rourke AR, Pribitzer S, Baxter SK, Wurfel MM, Malhotra U, Buckner JH, Bhatraju PK, Morrell ED, Speake C, Mikacenic C, Hamerman JA -
Aug 2024
Mediators of monocyte chemotaxis and matrix remodeling are associated with mortality and pulmonary fibroproliferation in patients with severe COVID-19.
PLoS OneHolton SE, Mitchem M, Chalian H, Pipavath S, Morrell ED, Bhatraju PK, Hamerman JA, Speake C, Malhotra U, Wurfel MM, Ziegler SE, Mikacenic C -
Jul 2024
Consensus guidance for monitoring individuals with islet autoantibody-positive pre-stage 3 type 1 diabetes.
DiabetologiaPhillip M, Achenbach P, Addala A, Albanese-O'Neill A, Battelino T, Bell KJ, Besser REJ, Bonifacio E, Colhoun HM, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Danne T, de Beaufort C, Dovc K, Driscoll KA, Dutta S, Ebekozien O, Larsson HE, Feiten DJ, Frohnert BI, Gabbay RA, Gallagher MP, Greenbaum CJ, Griffin KJ, Hagopian W, Haller MJ, Hendrieckx C, Hendriks E, Holt RIG, Hughes L, Ismail HM, Jacobsen LM, Johnson SB, Kolb LE, Kordonouri O, Lange K, Lash RW, Lernmark A, Libman I, Lundgren M, Maahs DM, Marcovecchio ML, Mathieu C, Miller KM, O'Donnell HK, Oron T, Patil SP, Pop-Busui R, Rewers MJ, Rich SS, Schatz DA, Schulman-Rosenbaum R, Simmons KM, Sims EK, Skyler JS, Smith LB, Speake C, Steck AK, Thomas NPB, Tonyushkina KN, Veijola R, Wentworth JM, Wherrett DK, Wood JR, Ziegler AG, DiMeglio LA -
Jul 2024
Immune markers of severe acute pancreatitis.
Curr Opin GastroenterolLee PJ, Papachristou GI, Speake C, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Jul 2024
PD-L1 and PD-1 Are Associated with Clinical Outcomes and Alveolar Immune Cell Activation in ARDS.
Am J Respir Cell Mol BiolMorrell ED, Holton SE, Wiedeman A, Kosamo S, Mitchem MA, Dmyterko V, Franklin Z, Garay A, Stanaway IB, Liu T, Sathe NA, Mabrey FL, Stapleton RD, Malhotra U, Speake C, Hamerman JA, Pipavath S, Evans L, Bhatraju PK, Long SA, Wurfel MM, Mikacenic C -
Jun 2024
Consensus guidance for monitoring individuals with islet autoantibody-positive pre-stage 3 type 1 diabetes.
DiabetologiaPhillip M, Achenbach P, Addala A, Albanese-O'Neill A, Battelino T, Bell KJ, Besser REJ, Bonifacio E, Colhoun HM, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Danne T, de Beaufort C, Dovc K, Driscoll KA, Dutta S, Ebekozien O, Larsson HE, Feiten DJ, Frohnert BI, Gabbay RA, Gallagher MP, Greenbaum CJ, Griffin KJ, Hagopian W, Haller MJ, Hendrieckx C, Hendriks E, Holt RIG, Hughes L, Ismail HM, Jacobsen LM, Johnson SB, Kolb LE, Kordonouri O, Lange K, Lash RW, Lernmark A, Libman I, Lundgren M, Maahs DM, Marcovecchio ML, Mathieu C, Miller KM, O'Donnell HK, Oron T, Patil SP, Pop-Busui R, Rewers MJ, Rich SS, Schatz DA, Schulman-Rosenbaum R, Simmons KM, Sims EK, Skyler JS, Smith LB, Speake C, Steck AK, Thomas NPB, Tonyushkina KN, Veijola R, Wentworth JM, Wherrett DK, Wood JR, Ziegler AG, DiMeglio LA