Mar 2025
A systematic review of machine learning-based prognostic models for acute pancreatitis: Towards improving methods and reporting quality.
PLoS MedCritelli B, Hassan A, Lahooti I, Noh L, Park JS, Tong K, Lahooti A, Matzko N, Adams JN, Liss L, Quion J, Restrepo D, Nikahd M, Culp S, Lacy-Hulbert A, Speake C, Buxbaum J, Bischof J, Yazici C, Evans-Phillips A, Terp S, Weissman A, Conwell D, Hart P, Ramsey M, Krishna S, Han S, Park E, Shah R, Akshintala V, Windsor JA, Mull NK, Papachristou G, Celi LA, Lee P -
Mar 2025
Cytokine signatures in post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: a pilot study.
Ann GastroenterolMachicado JD, Lee PJ, Culp S, Stello K, Hart PA, Ramsey M, Lacy-Hulbert A, Speake C, Cruz-Monserrate Z, Elmunzer BJ, Whitcomb DC, Papachristou GI -
Oct 2024
B cell αv integrin regulates germinal center derived lung-resident IgA B cell responses following influenza virus infection.
bioRxivMontiel-Armendariz A, Roe K, Lagos-Orellana J, MartinezCastro LV, Lacy-Hulbert A, Acharya M -
Oct 2024
Application of Hemolymph Smear Histology Diagnosis to Detect Disseminated Neoplasia in Basket Cockles (Clinocardium nuttallii).
J Shellfish Res.Vandepas LE, Crim RN, Gilbertson E, Yonemitsu MA, Unsell E, Metzger MJ, Lacy-Hulbert A, Goetz FW -
Jul 2024
Immune markers of severe acute pancreatitis.
Curr Opin GastroenterolLee PJ, Papachristou GI, Speake C, Lacy-Hulbert A -
May 2024
Integrin αvβ3 Limits Cytokine Production by Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells and Restricts TLR-Driven Autoimmunity.
J ImmunolLorant AK, Yoshida AE, Gilbertson EA, Chu T, Stefani C, Acharya M, Hamerman JA, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Apr 2024
Extracellular DNA traps in a ctenophore demonstrate immune cell behaviors in a non-bilaterian.
Nat CommunVandepas LE, Stefani C, Domeier PP, Traylor-Knowles N, Goetz FW, Browne WE, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Jan 2024
LITAF protects against pore-forming protein-induced cell death by promoting membrane repair.
Sci ImmunolStefani C, Bruchez AM, Rosasco MG, Yoshida AE, Fasano KJ, Levan PF, Lorant A, Hubbard NW, Oberst A, Stuart LM, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Sep 2023
MicroMagnify: A Multiplexed Expansion Microscopy Method for Pathogens and Infected Tissues.
Adv Sci (Weinh)Cheng Z, Stefani C, Skillman T, Klimas A, Lee A, DiBernardo EF, Brown KM, Milman T, Wang Y, Gallagher BR, Lagree K, Jena BP, Pulido JS, Filler SG, Mitchell AP, Hiller NL, Lacy-Hulbert A, Zhao Y -
Feb 2023
Smooth muscle α(v) integrins regulate vascular fibrosis via CD109 downregulation of TGF-β signalling.
Eur Heart J OpenLi Z, Belozertseva E, Parlakian A, Bascetin R, Louis H, Kawamura Y, Blanc J, Gao-Li J, Pinet F, Lacy-Hulbert A, Challande P, Humphrey JD, Regnault V, Lacolley P -
Jan 2023
Rhinovirus infection of the airway epithelium enhances mast cell immune responses via epithelial-derived interferons.
J Allergy Clin ImmunolMurphy RC, Lai Y, Altman MC, Barrow KA, Dill-McFarland KA, Liu M, Hamerman JA, Lacy-Hulbert A, Piliponsky AM, Ziegler SF, Altemeier WA, Debley JS, Gharib SA, Hallstrand TS -
Sep 2022
Severe acute pancreatitis exhibits distinct cytokine signatures and trajectories in humans: a prospective observational study.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver PhysiolGreer PJ, Lee PJ, Paragomi P, Stello KM, Phillips A, Hart P, Speake C, Lacy-Hulbert A, Whitcomb DC, Papachristou GI -
Aug 2022
Identification of mast cell progenitor cells in the airways of individuals with allergic asthma.
AllergyMurphy RC, Chow YH, Lai Y, Al-Shaikhly T, Petroni DH, Black M, Hamerman JA, Lacy-Hulbert A, Piliponsky AM, Hallstrand TS -
Aug 2022
Transcriptomic analysis of pathways associated with ITGAV/alpha(v) integrin-dependent autophagy in human B cells.
AutophagyMuir V, Sagadiev S, Liu S, Holder U, Armendariz AM, Suchland E, Meitlis I, Camp N, Giltiay N, Tam JM, Garner EC, Wivagg CN, Shows D, James RG, Lacy-Hulbert A, Acharya M -
Jul 2022
Evaluating the Immunopathogenesis of Diabetes After Acute Pancreatitis in the Diabetes RElated to Acute Pancreatitis and Its Mechanisms Study: From the Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium.
PancreasCasu A, Grippo PJ, Wasserfall C, Sun Z, Linsley PS, Hamerman JA, Fife BT, Lacy-Hulbert A, Toledo FGS, Hart PA, Papachristou GI, Bellin MD, Yadav D, Laughlin MR, Goodarzi MO, Speake C, Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium (T1DAPC).