Nov 2024
An IL-2 mutein increases regulatory T cell suppression of dendritic cells via IL-10 and CTLA-4 to promote T cell anergy.
Cell RepJamison BL, Lawrance M, Wang CJ, DeBerg HA, Ziegler LJ, Sansom DM, Gavin MA, Walker LSK, Campbell DJ -
Aug 2024
T cells promote distinct transcriptional programs of cutaneous inflammatory disease in keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts.
bioRxivDeBerg HA, Fahning ML, Varkhande SR, Schlenker JD, Schmitt WP, Gupta A, Singh A, Gratz IK, Carlin JS, Campbell DJ, Morawski PA -
Dec 2023
An IL-2 mutein increases IL-10 and CTLA-4-dependent suppression of dendritic cells by regulatory T cells.
bioRxivJamison BL, Lawrance M, Wang CJ, DeBerg HA, Sansom DM, Gavin MA, Walker LSK, Campbell DJ -
Nov 2023
MDR1-expressing CD4+ T cells with Th1.17 features resist to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and are associated with breast cancer clinical response
J Immunother CancerDi Roio A, Hubert M, Besson L, Bossennec M, Rodriguez C, Grinberg-Bleyer Y, Lalle G, Moudombi L, Schneider R, Degletagne C, Treilleux I, Campbell DJ, Metzger S, Duhen T, Trédan O, Caux C, Ménétrier-Caux C -
Jun 2023
Diminished responses to mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis on immune modifying therapies.
JCI InsightKlebanoff SD, Rodda LB, Morishima C, Wener MH, Yuzefpolskiy Y, Bettelli E, Buckner JH, Speake C, Pepper M, Campbell DJ -
May 2022
Prioritization of autoimmune disease-associated genetic variants that perturb regulatory element activity in T cells.
Nat GenetMouri K, Guo MH, de Boer CG, Lissner MM, Harten IA, Newby GA, DeBerg HA, Platt WF, Gentili M, Liu DR, Campbell DJ, Hacohen N, Tewhey R, Ray JP -
May 2022
Prioritization of autoimmune disease-associated genetic variants that perturb regulatory element activity in T cells
Nat GenetMouri K, Guo MH, de Boer CG, Lissner MM, Harten IA, Newby GA, DeBerg HA, Platt WF, Gentili M, Liu DR, Campbell DJ, Hacohen N, Tewhey R, Ray JP -
Mar 2022
Imprinted SARS-CoV-2-specific memory lymphocytes define hybrid immunity.
CellRodda LB, Morawski PA, Pruner KB, Fahning ML, Howard CA, Franko N, Logue J, Eggenberger J, Stokes C, Golez I, Hale M, Gale M Jr, Chu HY, Campbell DJ, Pepper M -
Mar 2022
Cutting Edge: Effect of Disease-Modifying Therapies on SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine-Induced Immune Responses in Multiple Sclerosis Patients.
J ImmunolYuzefpolskiy Y, Morawski P, Fahning M, Speake C, Lord S, Chaudhary A, Morishima C, Wener MH, Kita M, McCarthy L, Buckner JH, Campbell DJ, Bettelli E -
Dec 2021
Engagement of the costimulatory molecule ICOS in tissues promotes establishment of CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells.
ImmunityPeng C, Huggins MA, Wanhainen KM, Knutson TP, Lu H, Georgiev H, Mittelsteadt KL, Jarjour NN, Wang H, Hogquist KA, Campbell DJ, Borges da Silva H, Jameson SC -
Sep 2021
In Vivo Expansion of Antigen-Specific Regulatory T Cells through Staggered Fc.IL-2 Mutein Dosing and Antigen-Specific Immunotherapy.
ImmunohorizonsPham MN, Khoryati L, Jamison BL, Hayes E, Sullivan JM, Campbell DJ, Gavin MA -
Sep 2021
High-throughput single-cell quantification of hundreds of proteins using conventional flow cytometry and machine learning.
Sci AdvBecht E, Tolstrup D, Dutertre CA, Morawski PA, Campbell DJ, Ginhoux F, Newell EW, Gottardo R, Headley MB -
Jun 2021
ICOS signaling limits regulatory T cell accumulation and function in visceral adipose tissue.
J Exp MedMittelsteadt KL, Hayes ET, Campbell DJ -
Apr 2021
Designed proteins assemble antibodies into modular nanocages.
ScienceDivine R, Dang HV, Ueda G, Fallas JA, Vulovic I, Sheffler W, Saini S, Zhao YT, Raj IX, Morawski PA, Jennewein MF, Homad LJ, Wan YH, Tooley MR, Seeger F, Etemadi A, Fahning ML, Lazarovits J, Roederer A, Walls AC, Stewart L, Mazloomi M, King NP, Campbell DJ, McGuire AT, Stamatatos L, Ruohola-Baker H, Mathieu J, Veesler D, Baker D -
Feb 2021
The COVID-19 immune landscape is dynamically and reversibly correlated with disease severity.
J Clin InvestBolouri H, Speake C, Skibinski D, Long SA, Hocking AM, Campbell DJ, Hamerman JA, Malhotra U, Buckner JH, Benaroya Research Institute COVID-19 Research Team.