Nov 1988
HLA-DQ molecules form alpha-beta heterodimers of mixed allotype.
J ImmunolKwok WW, Schwarz D, Nepom BS, Hock RA, Thurtle PS, Nepom GT -
Sep 1988
Genetics and disease association of the major histocompatibility complex.
Curr Opin ImmunolNepom GT -
Apr 1988
A specific nucleotide sequence defines a functional T-cell recognition epitope shared by diverse HLA-DR specificities.
Hum ImmunolSeyfried CE, Mickelson E, Hansen JA, Nepom GT -
Mar 1988
Molecular analysis of DQ beta 3.1 genes.
Hum ImmunolHolbeck SL, Nepom GT -
Jan 1988
DQw3 variants defined by cloned alloreactive T cells.
Hum ImmunolMickelson EM, Nepom GT, Nisperos B, Hansen JA -
Jan 1988
An extended HLA-D region haplotype associated with celiac disease.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S AHowell MD, Smith JR, Austin RK, Kelleher D, Nepom GT, Volk B, Kagnoff MF -
Jan 1988
Immunogenetics of HLA-associated diseases.
Concepts ImmunopatholNepom GT -
Dec 1987
Specific allelic variation among linked HLA class II genes.
TransplantationAmar A, Holbeck SL, Nepom GT -
Jun 1987
Characterization of specific HLA-DQ alpha allospecificities by genomic, biochemical, and serologic analysis.
J ImmunolAmar A, Radka SF, Holbeck SL, Kim SJ, Nepom BS, Nelson K, Nepom GT -
May 1987
Functional polymorphisms among HLA-DR4+ DR beta chains associated with limited peptide diversity.
Mol ImmunolSeyfried CE, Gregersen PK, Nepom BS, Nepom GT -
Mar 1987
HLA-DP and HLA-DO genes in presumptive HLA-identical siblings: structural and functional identification of allelic variation.
J ImmunolAmar A, Nepom GT, Mickelson E, Erlich H, Hansen JA -
Jan 1987
Transcomplementation of HLA genes in IDDM. HLA-DQ alpha- and beta-chains produce hybrid molecules in DR3/4 heterozygotes.
DiabetesNepom BS, Schwarz D, Palmer JP, Nepom GT -
Jan 1987
The molecular basis for HLA class II associations with rheumatoid arthritis.
J Clin ImmunolNepom GT, Hansen JA, Nepom BS -
Jan 1987
Anti-idiotypic antibodies and the induction of specific tumor immunity.
Cancer Metastasis RevNepom GT, Hellström KE -
Nov 1986
Identification of HLA-Dw14 genes in DR4+ rheumatoid arthritis.
LancetNepom GT, Seyfried CE, Holbeck SL, Wilske KR, Nepom BS