Jun 2024
Consensus Guidance for Monitoring Individuals With Islet Autoantibody-Positive Pre-Stage 3 Type 1 Diabetes.
Diabetes CarePhillip M, Achenbach P, Addala A, Albanese-O'Neill A, Battelino T, Bell KJ, Besser REJ, Bonifacio E, Colhoun HM, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Danne T, de Beaufort C, Dovc K, Driscoll KA, Dutta S, Ebekozien O, Elding Larsson H, Feiten DJ, Frohnert BI, Gabbay RA, Gallagher MP, Greenbaum CJ, Griffin KJ, Hagopian W, Haller MJ, Hendrieckx C, Hendriks E, Holt RIG, Hughes L, Ismail HM, Jacobsen LM, Johnson SB, Kolb LE, Kordonouri O, Lange K, Lash RW, Lernmark A, Libman I, Lundgren M, Maahs DM, Marcovecchio ML, Mathieu C, Miller KM, O'Donnell HK, Oron T, Patil SP, Pop-Busui R, Rewers MJ, Rich SS, Schatz DA, Schulman-Rosenbaum R, Simmons KM, Sims EK, Skyler JS, Smith LB, Speake C, Steck AK, Thomas NPB, Tonyushkina KN, Veijola R, Wentworth JM, Wherrett DK, Wood JR, Ziegler AG, DiMeglio LA -
Jun 2024
Germline-like TCR-α chains shared between autoreactive T cells in blood and pancreas.
Nat CommunLinsley PS, Nakayama M, Balmas E, Chen J, Barahmand-Pour-Whitman F, Bansal S, Bottorff T, Serti E, Speake C, Pugliese A, Cerosaletti K -
May 2024
Beyond Stages: Predicting Individual Time Dependent Risk for Type 1 Diabetes.
J Clin Endocrinol MetabPribitzer S, O'Rourke C, Ylescupidez A, Smithmyer M, Bender C, Speake C, Lord S, Greenbaum CJ -
May 2024
Human inherited PD-L1 deficiency is clinically and immunologically less severe than PD-1 deficiency.
J Exp MedJohnson MB, Ogishi M, Domingo-Vila C, de Franco E, Wakeling MN, Imane Z, Resnick B, Williams E, Galão RP, Caswell R, Russ-Silsby J, Seeleuthner Y, Rinchai D, Fagniez I, Benson B, Dufort MJ, Speake C, Smithmyer ME, Hudson M, Dobbs R, EXE-T1D consortium, Quandt Z, Hattersley AT, Zhang P, Boisson-Dupuis S, Anderson MS, Casanova JL, Tree TI, Oram RA -
May 2024
Abatacept increases T cell exhaustion in early RA individuals who carry HLA risk alleles.
Front ImmunolLong SA, Muir VS, Jones BE, Wall VZ, Ylescupidez A, Hocking AM, Pribitzer S, Thorpe J, Fuchs B, Wiedeman AE, Tatum M, Lambert K, Uchtenhagen H, Speake C, Ng B, Heubeck AT, Torgerson TR, Savage AK, Maldonado MA, Ray N, Khaychuk V, Liu J, Linsley PS, Buckner JH -
Apr 2024
Islet autoantibodies as precision diagnostic tools to characterize heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes: a systematic review.
Commun Med (Lond)Felton JL, Redondo MJ, Oram RA, Speake C, Long SA, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Rich SS, Monaco GSF, Harris-Kawano A, Perez D, Saeed Z, Hoag B, Jain R, Evans-Molina C, DiMeglio LA, Ismail HM, Dabelea D, Johnson RK, Urazbayeva M, Wentworth JM, Griffin KJ, Sims EK, ADA/EASD PMDI -
Dec 2023
Testing a new platform to screen disease-modifying therapy in type 1 diabetes.
PLoS OneLord SM, Bahnson HT, Greenbaum CJ, Liljenquist DR, Virostko J, Speake C -
Nov 2023
A standardized metric to enhance clinical trial design and outcome interpretation in type 1 diabetes.
Nat CommunYlescupidez A, Bahnson HT, O'Rourke C, Lord S, Speake C, Greenbaum CJ -
Oct 2023
Self-reactive germline-like TCR alpha chains shared between blood and pancreas.
Res SqLinsley P, Nakayama M, Balmas E, Chen J, Pour F, Bansal S, Serti E, Speake C, Pugliese A, Cerosaletti K -
Oct 2023
Trimodal single-cell profiling reveals a novel pediatric CD8αα(+) T cell subset and broad age-related molecular reprogramming across the T cell compartment.
Nat ImmunolThomson Z, He Z, Swanson E, Henderson K, Phalen C, Zaim SR, Pebworth MP, Okada LY, Heubeck AT, Roll CR, Hernandez V, Weiss M, Genge PC, Reading J, Giles JR, Manne S, Dougherty J, Jasen CJ, Greenplate AR, Becker LA, Graybuck LT, Vasaikar SV, Szeto GL, Savage AK, Speake C, Buckner JH, Li XJ, Bumol TF, Wherry EJ, Torgerson TR, Vella LA, Henrickson SE, Skene PJ, Gustafson CE -
Oct 2023
Disease-modifying therapies and features linked to treatment response in type 1 diabetes prevention: a systematic review.
Commun Med (Lond)Felton JL, Griffin KJ, Oram RA, Speake C, Long SA, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Rich SS, Monaco GSF, Evans-Molina C, DiMeglio LA, Ismail HM, Steck AK, Dabelea D, Johnson RK, Urazbayeva M, Gitelman S, Wentworth JM, Redondo MJ, Sims EK, ADA/EASD PMDI -
Oct 2023
Genotype-stratified treatment for monogenic insulin resistance: a systematic review.
Commun Med (Lond)Semple RK, Patel KA, Auh S, ADA/EASD PMDI, Brown RJ, Long SA, Speake C -
Oct 2023
Impact of individual and environmental factors on dietary or lifestyle interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes development: a systematic review.
Commun Med (Lond)Bodhini D, Morton RW, Santhakumar V, Nakabuye M, Pomares-Millan H, Clemmensen C, Fitzpatrick SL, Guasch-Ferre M, Pankow JS, Ried-Larsen M, Franks PW, ADA/EASD PMDI, Tobias DK, Merino J, Mohan V, Loos RJF, Long SA, Speake C -
Oct 2023
Utility and precision evidence of technology in the treatment of type 1 diabetes: a systematic review.
Commun Med (Lond)Jacobsen LM, Sherr JL, Considine E, Chen A, Peeling SM, Hulsmans M, Charleer S, Urazbayeva M, Tosur M, Alamarie S, Redondo MJ, Hood KK, Gottlieb PA, Gillard P, Wong JJ, Hirsch IB, Pratley RE, Laffel LM, Mathieu C, ADA/EASD PMDI, Long SA, Speake C -
Oct 2023
Participant characteristics in the prevention of gestational diabetes as evidence for precision medicine: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Commun Med (Lond)Lim S, Takele WW, Vesco KK, Redman LM, Hannah W, Bonham MP, Chen M, Chivers SC, Fawcett AJ, Grieger JA, Habibi N, Leung GKW, Liu K, Mekonnen EG, Pathirana M, Quinteros A, Taylor R, Ukke GG, Zhou SJ, ADA/EASD PMDI, Josefson J, Long SA, Speake C