Feb 2019
B lymphocyte alterations accompany abatacept resistance in new-onset type 1 diabetes.
JCI InsightLinsley PS, Greenbaum CJ, Speake C, Long SA, Dufort MJ -
Sep 2018
Abnormal neutrophil signature in the blood and pancreas of presymptomatic and symptomatic type 1 diabetes.
JCI InsightVecchio F, Lo Buono N, Stabilini A, Nigi L, Dufort MJ, Geyer S, Rancoita PM, Cugnata F, Mandelli A, Valle A, Leete P, Mancarella F, Linsley PS, Krogvold L, Herold KC, Elding Larsson H, Richardson SJ, Morgan NG, Dahl-Jørgensen K, Sebastiani G, Dotta F, Bosi E, DRI_Biorepository Group., Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group., Battaglia M -
Jul 2017
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Expanded Clones of Islet Antigen-Reactive CD4+ T Cells in Peripheral Blood of Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes.
J ImmunolCerosaletti K, Barahmand-Pour-Whitman F, Yang J, DeBerg HA, Dufort MJ, Murray SA, Israelsson E, Speake C, Gersuk VH, Eddy JA, Reijonen H, Greenbaum CJ, Kwok WW, Wambre E, Prlic M, Gottardo R, Nepom GT, Linsley PS