Dec 2020
Effects of Asthma and Human Rhinovirus A16 on the Expression of SARS-CoV-2 Entry Factors in Human Airway Epithelium.
Am J Respir Cell Mol BiolMurphy RC, Lai Y, Barrow KA, Hamerman JA, Lacy-Hulbert A, Piliponsky AM, Ziegler SF, Altemeier WA, Debley JS, Gharib SA, Hallstrand TS -
Oct 2020
MHC class II transactivator CIITA induces cell resistance to Ebola virus and SARS-like coronaviruses.
ScienceBruchez A, Sha K, Johnson J, Chen L, Stefani C, McConnell H, Gaucherand L, Prins R, Matreyek KA, Hume AJ, Mühlberger E, Schmidt EV, Olinger GG, Stuart LM, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Oct 2020
B Cell αv Integrins Regulate TLR-Driven Autoimmunity.
J ImmunolAcharya M, Raso F, Sagadiev S, Gilbertson E, Kadavy L, Li QZ, Yan M, Stuart LM, Hamerman JA, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Aug 2020
The Periostin/Integrin-αv Axis Regulates the Size of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Pool in the Fetal Liver.
Stem Cell ReportsBiswas A, Roy IM, Babu PC, Manesia J, Schouteden S, Vijayakurup V, Anto RJ, Huelsken J, Lacy-Hulbert A, Verfaillie CM, Khurana S -
Jul 2020
Apoptotic cells induce CD103 expression and immunoregulatory function in myeloid dendritic cell precursors through integrin αv and TGF-β activation.
PLoS OneZhang A, Paidassi H, Lacy-Hulbert A, Savill J -
Jun 2020
Apoptotic Cell-Directed Resolution of Lung Inflammation Requires Myeloid αv Integrin-Mediated Induction of Regulatory T Lymphocytes.
Am J PatholZhang A, Lacy-Hulbert A, Anderton S, Haslett C, Savill J -
Oct 2019
Migratory DCs activate TGF-β to precondition naïve CD8+ T cells for tissue-resident memory fate.
ScienceMani V, Bromley SK, Äijö T, Mora-Buch R, Carrizosa E, Warner RD, Hamze M, Sen DR, Chasse AY, Lorant A, Griffith JW, Rahimi RA, McEntee CP, Jeffrey KL, Marangoni F, Travis MA, Lacy-Hulbert A, Luster AD, Mempel TR -
Mar 2019
Pivotal role for αV integrins in sustained Tfh support of the germinal center response for long-lived plasma cell generation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S ASchrock DC, Leddon SA, Hughson A, Miller J, Lacy-Hulbert A, Fowell DJ -
Jan 2019
Chronic TLR7 and TLR9 signaling drives anemia via differentiation of specialized hemophagocytes.
ScienceAkilesh HM, Buechler MB, Duggan JM, Hahn WO, Matta B, Sun X, Gessay G, Whalen E, Mason M, Presnell SR, Elkon KB, Lacy-Hulbert A, Barnes BJ, Pepper M, Hamerman JA -
Oct 2018
ConfocalVR: Immersive Visualization for Confocal Microscopy.
J Mol BiolStefani C, Lacy-Hulbert A, Skillman T -
Aug 2018
αv Integrins regulate germinal center B cell responses through noncanonical autophagy.
J Clin InvestRaso F, Sagadiev S, Du S, Gage E, Arkatkar T, Metzler G, Stuart LM, Orr MT, Rawlings DJ, Jackson SW, Lacy-Hulbert A, Acharya M -
Jun 2017
GOP-1: Helping phagosomes pass the acid test.
J Cell BiolStuart LM, Lacy-Hulbert A -
Dec 2016
Outside-in integrin signalling regulates haematopoietic stem cell function via Periostin-Itgav axis.
Nat CommunKhurana S, Schouteden S, Manesia JK, Santamaria-Martínez A, Huelsken J, Lacy-Hulbert A, Verfaillie CM -
Sep 2016
β8 Integrin Expression and Activation of TGF-β by Intestinal Dendritic Cells Are Determined by Both Tissue Microenvironment and Cell Lineage.
J ImmunolBoucard-Jourdin M, Kugler D, Endale Ahanda ML, This S, De Calisto J, Zhang A, Mora JR, Stuart LM, Savill J, Lacy-Hulbert A, Paidassi H -
Aug 2016
Inflammatory Th17 Cells Express Integrin αvβ3 for Pathogenic Function.
Cell RepDu F, Garg AV, Kosar K, Majumder S, Kugler DG, Mir GH, Maggio M, Henkel M, Lacy-Hulbert A, McGeachy MJ