Mar 2025
Defining a novel DYRK1A-gp130/IL-6R-pSTAT axis that regulates Th17 differentiation.
ImmunohorizonsMalueg M, Moo KG, Arnett A, Edwards TH, Ruskin SL, Lambert K, Subramanyam A, Dufort MJ, Gersuk VH, Partridge R, Buckner JH, Khor B -
Mar 2025
Impaired development of memory B cells and antibody responses in humans and mice deficient in PD-1 signaling.
ImmunityOgishi M, Kitaoka K, Good-Jacobson KL, Rinchai D, Zhang B, Wang J, Gies V, Rao G, Nguyen T, Avery DT, Khan T, Smithmyer ME, Mackie J, Yang R, Arias AA, Asano T, Ponsin K, Chaldebas M, Zhang P, Peel JN, Bohlen J, Lévy R, Pelham SJ, Lei WT, Han JE, Fagniez I, Chrabieh M, Laine C, Langlais D, Gruber C, Al Ali F, Rahman M, Aytekin C, Benson B, Dufort MJ, Domingo-Vila C, Moriya K, Shlomchik M, Uzel G, Gray PE, Suan D, Preece K, Chua I, Okada S, Chikuma S, Kiyonari H, Tree TI, Bogunovic D, Gros P, Marr N, Speake C, Oram RA, Béziat V, Bustamante J, Abel L, Boisson B, Korganow AS, Ma CS, Johnson MB, Chamoto K, Boisson-Dupuis S, Honjo T, Casanova JL, Tangye SG -
Mar 2025
Hypoxia-inducible factor 2α promotes protective Th2 cell responses during intestinal helminth infection.
bioRxivLabuda JC, Olsen TM, Verma S, Kimmel S, Edwards TH, Dufort MJ, Harrison OJ -
Jul 2024
Lupus IgA1 autoantibodies synergize with IgG to enhance plasmacytoid dendritic cell responses to RNA-containing immune complexes.
Sci Transl MedWaterman HR, Dufort MJ, Posso SE, Ni M, Li LZ, Zhu C, Raj P, Smith KD, Buckner JH, Hamerman JA -
May 2024
Antigen-level resolution of commensal-specific B cell responses can be enabled by phage display screening coupled with B cell tetramers.
ImmunityVerma S, Dufort MJ, Olsen TM, Kimmel S, Labuda JC, Scharffenberger S, McGuire AT, Harrison OJ -
May 2024
Human inherited PD-L1 deficiency is clinically and immunologically less severe than PD-1 deficiency.
J Exp MedJohnson MB, Ogishi M, Domingo-Vila C, de Franco E, Wakeling MN, Imane Z, Resnick B, Williams E, Galão RP, Caswell R, Russ-Silsby J, Seeleuthner Y, Rinchai D, Fagniez I, Benson B, Dufort MJ, Speake C, Smithmyer ME, Hudson M, Dobbs R, EXE-T1D consortium, Quandt Z, Hattersley AT, Zhang P, Boisson-Dupuis S, Anderson MS, Casanova JL, Tree TI, Oram RA -
Oct 2022
IL-6-targeted therapies directed to cytokine or receptor blockade drive distinct alterations in T cell function.
JCI InsightSpeake C, Habib T, Lambert K, Hundhausen C, Lord S, Dufort MJ, Skinner SO, Hu A, Kinsman M, Jones BE, Maerz MD, Tatum M, Hocking AM, Nepom GT, Greenbaum CJ, Buckner JH -
Aug 2020
Innate immune stimulation of whole blood reveals IFN-1 hyper-responsiveness in type 1 diabetes.
DiabetologiaRodrigues KB, Dufort MJ, Llibre A, Speake C, Rahman MJ, Bondet V, Quiel J, Linsley PS, Greenbaum CJ, Duffy D, Tarbell KV -
Mar 2020
Hyaluronan deposition in islets may precede and direct the location of islet immune-cell infiltrates.
DiabetologiaBogdani M, Speake C, Dufort MJ, Johnson PY, Larmore MJ, Day AJ, Wight TN, Lernmark A, Greenbaum CJ -
Jan 2020
Autoreactive CD8+ T cell exhaustion distinguishes subjects with slow type 1 diabetes progression.
J Clin InvestWiedeman AE, Muir VS, Rosasco MG, DeBerg HA, Presnell S, Haas B, Dufort MJ, Speake C, Greenbaum CJ, Serti E, Nepom GT, Blahnik G, Kus AM, James EA, Linsley PS, Long SA -
Dec 2019
A composite immune signature parallels disease progression across T1D subjects.
JCI InsightSpeake C, Skinner SO, Berel D, Whalen E, Dufort MJ, Young WC, Odegard JM, Pesenacker AM, Gorus FK, James EA, Levings MK, Linsley PS, Akirav EM, Pugliese A, Hessner MJ, Nepom GT, Gottardo R, Long SA -
Dec 2019
The human tissue-resident CCR5+ T cell compartment maintains protective and functional properties during inflammation.
Sci Transl MedWoodward Davis AS, Roozen HN, Dufort MJ, DeBerg HA, Delaney MA, Mair F, Erickson JR, Slichter CK, Berkson JD, Klock AM, Mack M, Lwo Y, Ko A, Brand RM, McGowan I, Linsley PS, Dixon DR, Prlic M -
Aug 2019
An Anti-CD3 Antibody, Teplizumab, in Relatives at Risk for Type 1 Diabetes.
N Engl J MedHerold KC, Bundy BN, Long SA, Bluestone JA, DiMeglio LA, Dufort MJ, Gitelman SE, Gottlieb PA, Krischer JP, Linsley PS, Marks JB, Moore W, Moran A, Rodriguez H, Russell WE, Schatz D, Skyler JS, Tsalikian E, Wherrett DK, Ziegler AG, Greenbaum CJ, Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group. -
Apr 2019
Elevated T cell levels in peripheral blood predict poor clinical response following rituximab treatment in new-onset type 1 diabetes.
Genes ImmunLinsley PS, Greenbaum CJ, Rosasco M, Presnell S, Herold KC, Dufort MJ -
Feb 2019
Cell type-specific immune phenotypes predict loss of insulin secretion in new-onset type 1 diabetes.
JCI InsightDufort MJ, Greenbaum CJ, Speake C, Linsley PS