Aug 2009
Treatment of patients with new onset Type 1 diabetes with a single course of anti-CD3 mAb Teplizumab preserves insulin production for up to 5 years.
Clin ImmunolHerold KC, Gitelman S, Greenbaum CJ, Puck J, Hagopian WA, Gottlieb PA, Sayre PH, Bianchine PJ, Wong E, Seyfert-Margolis V, Bourcier K, Bluestone JA, Immune Tolerance Network ITN007AI Study Group. -
Feb 2009
Functional islet-specific Treg can be generated from CD4+CD25- T cells of healthy and type 1 diabetic subjects.
Eur J ImmunolLong SA, Walker MR, Rieck M, James EA, Kwok WW, Sanda S, Pihoker C, Nepom GT, Buckner JH -
Dec 2008
Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet--an international collaborative clinical trials network.
Ann N Y Acad SciSkyler JS, Greenbaum CJ, Lachin JM, Leschek E, Rafkin-Mervis L, Savage P, Spain L, Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group. -
Jul 2008
Low-affinity major histocompatibility complex-binding peptides in type 1 diabetes.
DiabetesJames EA, Kwok WW -
Sep 2007
Role of insulin resistance in predicting progression to type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes CareXu P, Cuthbertson D, Greenbaum CJ, Palmer JP, Krischer JP, Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1 Study Group. -
Sep 2007
Adipocyte-derived serum amyloid A3 and hyaluronan play a role in monocyte recruitment and adhesion.
DiabetesHan CY, Subramanian S, Chan CK, Omer M, Chiba T, Wight TN, Chait A -
Aug 2007
Editorial: The role of glucagon in postprandial hyperglycemia--the jury's still out.
J Clin Endocrinol MetabBollyky J, Greenbaum CJ -
May 2006
Specific human leukocyte antigen DQ influence on expression of antiislet autoantibodies and progression to type 1 diabetes.
J Clin Endocrinol MetabRedondo MJ, Babu S, Zeidler A, Orban T, Yu L, Greenbaum CJ, Palmer JP, Cuthbertson DD, Eisenbarth GS, Krischer JP, Schatz DA, Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1 Study Group. -
Apr 2006
Adaptive islet-specific regulatory CD4 T cells control autoimmune diabetes and mediate the disappearance of pathogenic Th1 cells in vivo.
J ImmunolWeber SE, Harbertson J, Godebu E, Mros GA, Padrick RC, Carson BD, Ziegler SF, Bradley LM -
Mar 2006
Islet-specific glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-related protein-reactive CD4+ T cells in human subjects.
J ImmunolYang J, Danke NA, Berger D, Reichstetter S, Reijonen H, Greenbaum CJ, Pihoker C, James EA, Kwok WW -
Nov 2005
Targeting T lymphocytes for immune monitoring and intervention in autoimmune diabetes.
Am J TherMallone R, Nepom GT -
May 2005
Effects of oral insulin in relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes: The Diabetes Prevention Trial--Type 1.
Diabetes CareSkyler JS, Krischer JP, Wolfsdorf J, Cowie C, Palmer JP, Greenbaum CJ, Cuthbertson DD, Rafkin-Mervis LE, Chase HP, Leschek E -
Sep 2004
Conformation-dependent GAD65 autoantibodies in diabetes.
DiabetologiaLuo D, Gilliam LK, Greenbaum CJ, Bekris L, Hampe CS, Daniels T, Richter W, Marcovina SM, Rolandsson O, Landin-Olsson M, Kockum I, Lernmark A -
Aug 2004
GAD65-specific CD4+ T-cells with high antigen avidity are prevalent in peripheral blood of patients with type 1 diabetes.
DiabetesReijonen H, Mallone R, Heninger AK, Laughlin EM, Kochik SA, Falk B, Kwok WW, Greenbaum CJ, Nepom GT -
Jun 2004
Preservation of C-peptide secretion in subjects at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus--a new surrogate measure of non-progression?
Pediatr DiabetesSchatz D, Cuthbertson D, Atkinson M, Salzler MC, Winter W, Muir A, Silverstein J, Cook R, Maclaren N, She JX, Greenbaum CJ, Krischer JP