Recent advances in cytometry technologies allow us to measure an increasing number of parameters per cell, generating complex, high-dimensional single-cell datasets from limited and precious samples. The HIP core offers guidance and support to fully capitalize on the potential of these advances—ultizing the best technology, analytes and analysis method to reach your research goals.
The HIP core works with collaborators to understand their specific experimental goals. We offer a spectrum of services across single-cell technologies, including conventional, spectral and mass cytometry (CyTOF) accessed via the CATA core as well as partnering with the Genomics core for CITE-seq and RNA-seq. The HIP core has dozens of optimized cytometry panels available, and can guide you through selecting the best approach to meet your needs.
The HIP core also offers assistance in the analysis of your single-cell cytometry data. We have collaborated with Bioinformatics to develop advanced analytical tools for this purpose, and our team stays updated with the latest advancements in the analysis of cytometry data.
Contact us to find out more about how the HIP core can help with your next single-cell experiment!

Featured Publications
Jan 2022
Deep immune phenotyping reveals similarities between aging, Down syndrome, and autoimmunity.
Sci Transl MedLambert K, Moo KG, Arnett A, Goel G, Hu A, Flynn KJ, Speake C, Wiedeman AE, Gersuk VH, Linsley PS, Greenbaum CJ, Long SA, Partridge R, Buckner JH, Khor B -
Jan 2020
Autoreactive CD8+ T cell exhaustion distinguishes subjects with slow type 1 diabetes progression.
J Clin InvestWiedeman AE, Muir VS, Rosasco MG, DeBerg HA, Presnell S, Haas B, Dufort MJ, Speake C, Greenbaum CJ, Serti E, Nepom GT, Blahnik G, Kus AM, James EA, Linsley PS, Long SA -
May 2018
Cytometry TOF identifies alveolar macrophage subtypes in acute respiratory distress syndrome.
JCI InsightMorrell ED, Wiedeman A, Long SA, Gharib SA, West TE, Skerrett SJ, Wurfel MM, Mikacenic C