World leaders in Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry Facility
The flow cytometry facility of the CATA core is composed of seven flow cytometry cell analyzers and two cell sorters. With both traditional and spectral flow cytometry capabilities, our facility is well-positioned to provide our researchers the necessary resources to push their programs forward. In addition to hands-on training and assisted-use options for of all our machines, we also offer full service cell analysis and sorting services to both internal and external research groups.

Director of Immunology Shared Resources
Adam Wojno, PhD
Director of Immunology Shared Resources, Cell and Tissue Analysis
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Flow Core Staff

Adin Pierce
Research Technician, Cell and Tissue Analysis Core

Flow Cytometry Equipment

BD FACSymphony A5SE (Rainiers)
Capable of traditional or spectral analysis. 5-laser, 50 parameters

BD FACSymphony A5SE (Kraken)
Capable of traditional or spectral analysis. 5-laser, 50 parameters

Cytek Aurora (Megan)
Spectral analysis. 5-laser, 64 parameters

BD LSRFortessa
5-laser, 20 parameters

BD FACSAria Fusion SORP Cell Sorter
5-laser, 20 parameter system in biosafety cabinet capable of both tube and plate sorting

BD FACSCanto RUO Analyzer

BD Biosciences FACSCalibur Analyzer

BD Biosciences FACS Aria II Cell Sorter
5-laser, 20 parameter system in biosafety cabinet capable of both tube and plate sorting