Donate Your Blood for Research
We all know you can give blood to help ill or injured people who need it, but did you know you can also donate blood for research?

A Proud Donor Supports Mission
Cece Haw served as chief financial officer and partner at NBBJ, an innovative architectural design firm that works with Virginia Mason. About 25 years ago, she was frustrated about getting answers for her health care needs.

Good News for Lungs, Bad News for Allergies and Asthma
One in four people in the United States grapple with allergies, asthma or both. For years, BRI has had its sights set on helping these patients breathe easier. And our efforts just got a huge and welcome boost.

Researching Cell Communication
A critical factor in whether people develop an autoimmune disease is “cell communication.” BRI principal investigator Adam Lacy-Hulbert, PhD, is studying cell communication in the gut.

Studying Lung Conditions in a Lab Dish
How do you study children and adults who suffer from asthma, allergies or respiratory diseases? Without direct access to the lung for experiments, researchers find it challenging to study the molecules and cells that cause these conditions.

New Hope for T1D Early Intervention
For most people, the onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) seems to occur suddenly, often resulting in a trip to the emergency room with life-threatening complications.

Gene Editing Aims to Control T1D
Benaroya Research Institute (BRI) and Seattle Children’s Research Institute (SCRI) are pioneering the use of gene editing techniques in efforts to control type 1 diabetes (T1D).

Landmark Studies Shows Strides Against Peanut Allergies
A landmark study called LEAP (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy) demonstrated that regular peanut consumption begun in early infancy and continued until age five reduced the rate of peanut allergy in at-risk infants by 80 percent compared to non-peanut consumers.

Steven Ziegler Leads Academic Affairs
In addition to his role as BRI’s Director of the Immunology Research Program for the past 13 years, Steve Ziegler, PhD, assumed the new position of director of Academic Affairs at BRI, as of Jan. 1.

Elite Soccer Player Contributes to Research
In March of 2015, 13-year-old Lizzie Blockhus experienced a week of being very tired and not feeling well. “I woke up in the middle of night and was dying of thirst,” she explains. “Then I was at my sister’s soccer game, dying of thirst again and I knew something wasn’t right.