Interview with Dr. Megan Smithmyer: Type 1 Diabetes Biorepository (BRIDge Study)
Megan Smithmyer, PhD, is a staff scientist at Benaroya Research Institute in the Center for Interventional Immunology. She has kindly agreed to speak with us about what the BRIDge Biorepository is and its importance to the work that scientists like her do in the realm of type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Dr. Smithmyer’s current research focuses on understanding the diversity of healthy immune systems. Her other work includes understanding COVID-19 responses in people with diabetes.
BRI: What is BRIDge?
Dr. Smithmyer: BRIDge is BRI’s Type 1 Diabetes Biorepository which is made up of a computer registry and a sample repository. The computer registry is a database that keeps track of things like medical history information and test results from the samples participants provide. And the sample repository is where samples of blood and other biologic samples are safely stored for current and future use in research.
BRI: Why should people participate?
Dr. Smithmyer: There are a variety of reasons why people may choose to participate in BRIDge. Participants can request their antibodies and A1c results and also receive stipends of $50 for every blood draw to thank them for their time.
However, the major reason to participate is to assist in medical research that has the power to make significant impacts, not only in our knowledge of various diseases, but in the advancement toward a cure. You can even contribute to BRIDge more than once!
BRI: Who can participate?
Dr. Smithmyer: To participate in BRIDge, you simply need to have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, be over one year old, and live in (or regularly travel) to Seattle.
For people who don’t meet those requirements, we have several other biorepositories for various autoimmune diseases as well as a healthy control registry. This means that almost anyone who wants to help advance medical research can participate!
BRI: How often are these samples used?
Dr. Smithmyer: In 2024 alone, over 1,500 BRIDge samples were utilized in groundbreaking research aiming to further understand, predict and prevent T1D.
As the samples are frequently being used in research, it’s vital that samples are continuously collected to ensure that scientists have enough to continue their work.

BRI: What do scientists do with BRIDge samples? Who uses them?
Dr. Smithmyer: Blood samples from BRIDge are used to investigate genetic markers associated with autoimmune disease and to study measures of autoimmunity such as antibodies and immune system activity.
Many BRI researchers and their collaborators use biorepository samples for research. Eddie James, PhD, Karen Cerosaletti, PhD, S. Alice Long, PhD, and Jane Buckner, MD, all use BRIDge samples in their work regularly.
BRI: What makes BRIDge different than other biorepositories?
Dr. Smithmyer: BRIDge is unique in that we collect more information about our samples than biorepositories typically do. This additional information is gathered through medical history questionnaires and the testing of samples for genetic markers, autoantibody counts, and A1c. This is extremely helpful for scientists who require specific kinds of data to complete their research.
BRI: What does a BRIDge study visit look like?
Dr. Smithmyer: Participants will meet a clinical coordinator at our Clinical Research Center at Virginia Mason Medical Center on First Hill in Seattle. During their visit, they will give blood samples and answer questions about personal and family medical history. Appointments usually take about an hour but can vary based upon the types of samples a participant provides.
BRI: What should I do if I’m interested in participating?
Dr. Smithmyer: If you are interested in participating in BRIDge or any of our biorepositories, you can complete an interest form online and our team will reach out to you.
You can also connect with us by email at diabetes@benaroyaresearch.org or by phone at (800) 888-4187.
Thanks so much for taking time to talk with us about the important work happening here at BRI! Learn more about the findings achieved utilizing BRIDge samples.
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